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Year 8 assess the health of our streams

Mar 24, 2023 | College News

Our Year 8 students have been learning about the various ways Water Matters both here in NZ and overseas. As part of this unit of learning the students complete Waicare water quality tests for the stream across the field from the school.
In a hands-on-way we assessed the health of this stream and learnt about choices and actions we can take to improve the water quality of a stream. Waicare require that we complete four sets of tests, one each term.

Julie Clavel, from Restore Hibiscus and Bays facilitates the Waicare programme for us and sets up various stations that the students move through testing different aspects of water quality. Students record information on water and air temperature, water pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate levels, phosphorous levels and make visual stream observations. They also look at macros and use the clarity tube.
Year 13 Environmental Prefect, Henry Ma, assisted the Junior students with their work.

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