May 4, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Covid-19 has taken a lot away from us but it has also presented us with new opportunities.
Distance Learning, for example, was something that I had experienced as a University student but I had NEVER considered Distance Teaching.
On Wednesday March 25th 2020, Distance Learning began for our Kiwi Class. With the wonderful support of their parent’s, the Kiwi class have experienced learning from home.
I have been sent photos of wonderful diary entries, science investigations, stunning handwriting, lovely art and best of all………SMILING FACES! Seeing your excited, engaged and proud faces via the internet has been a highlight of Lockdown for me!
Thank you to our parents for your incredible support, trust and delivery of our Year 1 learning. I am so grateful to be a part of your learning community. Thank you!
Thank you also to our Kiwi class students! You have adapted beautifully to this new style of learning. I have loved our Zoom catch ups and will fondly remember our dress-up day!
Have a look at just a few of the photos that I will always treasure.

Mar 20, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We have had the most interesting Shared News items lately and today’s example was not only interesting but tasty too!
Thank you for bringing in your home grown green pepper/capsicum! We loved cutting it up and looking at the seeds……BUT……..the best bit was when we got to EAT it!

Mar 13, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Our Year 8 Wentworth College friends invited us to their Multicultural Day. The Year 8 Global Perspective students displayed posters and created food items to represent the culture of a specific country. We enjoyed our visit and we even tried some yummy (and new) treats!
Thank you Year 8 – we can’t wait to visit you again!

Mar 13, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Today we had the absolute pleasure of hosting our Grandparents, as well as family and friends at school!
Our visiting Wentworth whanau were invited to join in with tongue twisters, singing and even dancing. We then took our family and friends into our classroom to look at some of things that we do in a school day.
Thank you to everyone who joined us. It was a special day and we loved sharing our school life with you!

Mar 13, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Our Wentworth Beach Picnic is a fun day out for the entire whanau. We absolutely loved that our Wentworth community had the opportunity to get to know each other better and it was a delight to see our Year 7 and 8 College friends.
Highlights of the day included:-
- swimming,
- water games,
- sausage sizzle,
- sandcastle building,
- cricket,
- and of course iceblocks!
Thank you to all who made it – I am certainly looking forward to next year!

Feb 26, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Shared News is the perfect opportunity for our students to share their world with us and improve their oral language skills. Through the sharing of News, we learn how to be a good audience, how to ask questions and we improve our listening skills. We had an excellent News topic today.
Have a look at how engaged and involved our children were in this shared experience!

Feb 21, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
On Thursday Year 1 and 2 were lucky enough to go to Mr D’s house to see a beehive.
We learned about Worker Bees, the Queen Bee and even Guard Bees. We saw how Mr D calmed the bees by using a special ‘smoke’ machine and we even saw the busy, buzzy Bumble Bees gathering nectar from the Bottle Brush flowers!.
Thank you Mr D for looking after our environment and for introducing your 30,000 bee friends to us!

Feb 7, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Thursday 6th of February is Waitangi Day.
Our Year 1 and 2 friends joined classes to discuss the significance of this special day for New Zealand.
We discussed the signing of the Treaty and we even created our very own Te Tiriti o Wentworth.
Our 5 and 6 year old students decided that our treaty document needed to have the following three articles (I think that they are pretty amazing children for thinking of these):-
- Be kind.
- Share.
- Look after each other and our environment.
Pop into our classroom and feel free to sign our treasured treaty.

Jan 31, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
It is essential that our youngest students develop an understanding of their mathematical world. As Mr D tells us, “Maths is everywhere!”
Today, we solved story problems. We discussed the important words in our story. What are they? What do they tell us to do? Have a look at the way we solved the following story problem:
Mrs McLeish has six dinosaurs. Mr McLeish gave her five more dinosaurs. How many dinosaurs does Mrs McLeish have now?

Nov 21, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog, Piwakawaka - Year 1 Blog
You would be at Athletics Day!
Our whole school Athletics Day is a highlight on our school calendar.
We had so much fun taking part in events such as gumboot and dart throwing, long jump, bean bag shot put and our favourite event, the obstacle course.
The Wentworth kindness, encouragement and ‘give it a go’ attitudes where on show and we were all very proud of our youngest students/athletes!
Thank you to all of the spectators (our family members and friends) who came out to cheer us on AND a BIG thank you to Mr D for the yummy iceblocks 🙂

Nov 1, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
On the 31st of October we had a mufti day, sausage sizzle and bake sale.
The money raised will be donated to an ex Wentworth Primary student who is sadly very unwell at the moment.
Our Year 0 and Year 1 class embraced the Halloween theme and a wonderful day was had by all.
Thank you to everyone for your generosity and support. An AMAZING $950.00 was raised and will be given to our very special friend Amelie.
We absolutely appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. I feel very proud and fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful school community. Thank you all!

Sep 26, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Come on guys………Get Firewise!
We were so lucky to have the fire fighters visit us early in September. We talked about how to keep safe around fire and then we were allowed to look in the fire truck and use the HOSE!
Space food!
One of our lovely Hihi class friends went to NASA and returned with some astronaut food. We tried ice-cream sandwiches and strawberries. We were fascinated by how crumbly the food was and we were amazed that we were eating dried ice-cream!