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Kiwi – Year 1 Blog

Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day

It was a very special morning at Wentworth Primary yesterday.  Our Grandparents and whanau came into school.  It was a pleasure sharing our classroom with our family and it was lovely hearing about some of the experiences our grandparents had when they were at school.

We were shocked and bemused at the notion of ‘the cane’ as a form of discipline.
One grandparent shared some photos of their school, calf club, milk bottles and dress-up day.
We heard a little about school in China……we were surprised to hear that there were 60 children in ONE class!

We loved hearing about waiting outside before school, having to sing the national anthem whilst the NZ flag was raised and then marching into class.  Very different to our morning!

One of our Karearea class members was delighted to receive a video message and a letter from grandparents whom are overseas.  This certainly made a few eyes in the room moisten…….mine definitely!

Thank you to the Karearea families for visiting with us today.  We are privileged to have you in our lives and you are such an important part of our learning journey.  Thank you for taking the time to share our morning with us and feel free to stop by ANYTIME!


Today our Year 1 and 2 classes went on a journey into Outer Space!


We made Rockets, ate Space Food (Shared Morning Tea) and coloured in aliens… style (upside down)!


Have a look at some of the highlights of our busy intergalactic voyage!



Our Science Topic this term has focussed on Materials.

We have looked at Solids, Liquids and Gases.

We wanted to know if all liquids mix and we made an excellent discovery about water, food colouring and oil.  Ask your child to explain the experiment to you!

Yoga in Wonderland!

Our Year 1 and 2 classes participate in Physical Education lessons together.  Today we visited Alice’s Wonderland through Yoga.

We developed our concentration and listening skills.  We followed complex instructions to manipulate our limbs into yoga positions thus enhancing our kinesthetic body awareness.  We stretched and laughed our way through our PE session………we even finished the session with some mindful breathing and relaxation.  An excellent way to end our first day back for Term 2.

See if you can see our cat and mouse poses!

Mini-camp FUN!!

Our Year 4, 5 and 6 students went to Shakespeare Lodge for a four day camping trip………..not to be outdone, our Year 1, 2 and 3’s all decided to have a mini-camp here at school.

Tents, pancakes, egg toss, egg and spoon races and an egg hunt topped off a fun-filled day.

Have a look at our day!

Picnic Time for Teddy Bears……………..and Karearea!

Friday saw an invasion of cuteness in the Karearea class……….as a plethora of soft toys invaded our already cute classroom!

Students gave a double gold coin donation to support the Kiwis for Kiwi national conservation project, a charity selected by our School Council members.


Karearea class members came to school with their much loved soft toys and we all enjoyed meeting these new friends.


To top of this exciting day we had a whole school shared lunch  – picnic style with our teddy bears.


Have a look at the lovely day we had with our honorary soft Karearea classmates!

We’re going on a REPTILE hunt!

Our recent trip to Ti Point Reptile Park was extremely exciting as well as interesting and informative!

We saw turtles, lizards, alligators and a tuatara!

Whilst not a reptile, Harrison the Capuchin Monkey was a very popular attraction.

Have a look at some of the fascinating creatures we were lucky enough to see.  We even got to touch some……..not the alligator though!

Never Fear……Captain Cashtastic is HERE!

Never Fear……Captain Cashtastic is HERE!

It is not everyday that a SUPER HERO visits school but today was our lucky day!

Captain Cashtastic, from the ASB Getwise Financial programme, stopped by to help us understand MONEY!

Captain Cashtastic talked to us about the difference between notes, coins, dollars and cents.  He also gave us some tips about saving, spending and sharing money.

Financial literacy is an important concept.  It was fabulous to see the Karearea class engage and participate in this exciting activity which was designed to develop their money management skills.


One of our Year 2 friends helps Captain Cashtastic!

We are learning the difference between coins and notes!

It’s a bug’s life…… or is it?

Today the Karearea class created an algorithm instructing our Bee Bots to move forwards and then complete one revolution.

Coding our Bee Bots, and recognising errors (bugs) in our programming, has been a recent focus and has formed the initial stages of many of our Computational Thinking sessions.

The Karearea’s enjoyed the opportunity to identify Bee Bot bugs!

See if you can find out which ‘rouge’ Bee Bot needs the attention of our excellent Karearea programmers!


Welcome to the Karearea Class!

Welcome to the Karearea Class!

The Karearea is also known as the New Zealand Falcon.

The Karearea is the only bird of prey endemic to New Zealand which makes it very rare and special.
Our Karearea class are special too!
They have started Term 1 with enthusiasm and a drive to learn.
We are looking forward to soaring to great heights this year just like our name sake, so please check out our blog to see what exciting new learning has been happening in our classroom!

09 424 3273

