Sep 17, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
We have been learning about electrical circuits during Science time.
We now know that electricity travels in a circle, which is called a circuit. A battery or a switch or a break in the circuit, can cause our power to stop going around and our bulb does not work.
It has been fun finding out what other things, apart from wires, can conduct electricity.

Jun 24, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
It has been fantastic to come back to school! We have been having a lot of fun together and have particularly enjoyed learning about earning money, spending it, and giving change.
We found out all about money and then practiced spending it and giving change.

May 6, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Well, what a different kind of March and April we have had this year!
We have been working and learning from home. I feel incredibly proud of everyone in the Tui Class – and the mums and dads. I know it has been very hard juggling all those balls, but everyone has managed to send work in for me to look at, and it warms my heart to see on our Zoom calls the smiles that are still on everyone’s faces.
I have missed all the Tui Class’ lovely smiling faces, but I have been sent some lovely photos and thought I would share them with you all. I can not wait to see you all again, in real life!

May 6, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Bodhi decided to be a Year 2 teacher for the morning!
He chose a book and then took it home to learn. Then he brought it back to school the next morning and read it to the class! Bodhi did a fantastic job and everyone loved hearing him read.

May 6, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Mr Donovan took the Year 1 and Year 2 classes to see his busy busy bees!
He dressed up in his special suit, which protects him in case a bee decides to sting, and showed us how the bees buzz all around the trees in his garden and take pollen back into their hive.
Mr Donovan also showed us how he uses special smoke to make the bees nice and relaxed, so that they don’t mind him looking in their hive.
It was such an interesting day for us and I am sure that the bees enjoyed our company as well!

May 6, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
The Year 2 class made some fantastic Self Portraits during Art time.
Looking at photos of ourselves, we made sure we added our eyes, noses and mouth exactly where they should be.
We finished up with some wonderful pieces of art!

Feb 13, 2020 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Welcome to the Year 2 Blog!
The Tui Class are exploring Light and Dark during Science time this term and have been looking at how shadows are made.
We went outside and tried to make the BIGGEST shadows, the smallest shadows, the funniest shadows and the longest shadows we could. Here are the photos of the shadows we made!

Nov 26, 2019 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Today we took advantage of this fabulous weather and got outdoors to explore states of matter.
As this was a Science topic from earlier this year, we were pretty sure we knew EVERYTHING there was to know about solids, liquids and gases…until we made cornflour gloop.
It is definitely a liquid. Until you touch it. Then it becomes a solid again…but it can drip through your fingers…so surely its a liquid?

Nov 5, 2019 | Tui - Year 2 blog, Uncategorized
We thought we would celebrate the lovely warm weather! What a lovely way to celebrate the sun!

Sep 26, 2019 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Wow, what a performance!
All the hard work paid off when we performed our sold out, once-in-a-lifetime show in front of the Gulf Harbour Preschool, the Wentworth Primary and College students, and our parents and whanau.
We could not stop talking about it the day after and all feel so proud of learning the songs, lines and actions that we needed to. Year 2, you really were STARS!!

Aug 23, 2019 | Tui - Year 2 blog
We recently read a book about growing pumpkins and making pumpkin soup and decided to make our own! It was a great success and EVERYONE liked it!* What a great way to get some veggies into us and keep warm on a cold day. We even saved some seeds to grow in the school veggie garden so we can do the same again next winter.
*Recipe below, as requested!

Mrs Clark’s Pumpkin Soup
1 large crown pumpkin, cut and skinned
Sprinkle with Masterfoods Roast Vegetable Seasoning (or similar)
Roast in the oven until golden and soft
Put into crockpot
Add 3-4 rashers of chopped bacon, a chopped onion, 3Tbsp powdered chicken or vegetable stock and enough water to just cover.
Cook for 2-3 hours on high then mash or whizz to remove lumps.
add 250ml cream (or more to taste) and gently heat again
Jul 29, 2019 | Tui - Year 2 blog
Leo’s recent trip to Taupo got us all talking about the “Hole in One” golf challenge there. Mr Clark says its about 110 metres.
How far is 110 metres? Is it as long as our whiteboard? Is it as long as our classroom?
We decided to find out how far 110 metres is. We figured out that we have a metre ruler in our classroom but soon realised that it would be too difficult to flip that over 110 times. So we got out our measurement wheel.