Despite all the difficulties of learning through lockdowns, our students excelled in their Cambridge examinations at the end of last year. We congratulate all our students on their success.
Of our 35 Year 13 leavers, 97% gained New Zealand University Entrance. This is an outstanding achievement.
Of our 42 Year 12 students, 82% have already gained University Entrance from the 2021 examination series, but all are continuing their students in to Year 13.
Overall, 41% of our IGCSE candidates scored an A or A* (80% and above), 35% of our AS candidates scored an A (80% and above), and 33% of our A Level candidates scored an A or A*.
There were several exceptional students to be commended for their results:
Angelina Gosse 3 A* and 1 A at A Level and 1 A at AS Level
Peter Berns 4 A grades at A Level
Daisy Wang gained 5 A grades at AS Level
A further 5 students gained at least 3 A grades at AS Level, with over 11 students achieving at least 2 A grades at AS Level
Last year, more than 2 million students sat Cambridge examinations in more than 10,000 schools worldwide. The outstanding achievements of the New Zealand Cambridge learners are normally recognised at an Awards ceremony and formal dinner hosted by Cambridge, but with our current “red” settings mean that the students will be attending an online ceremony and we are delighted to recognise their success:
Brendon Macloud achieved Top in New Zealand for AS Marine Science.
Nina Fuller achieved a High Achievement* award (highest in Country) for A2 Marine Science.
Alexandra Dobson achieved a High Achievement award (highest in Country) for AS English Language and Literature.
Daisy Wang achieved a High Achievement award (highest in Country) in AS Chinese Language.
Kirstin Drower achieved a High Achievement award (highest in Country) in AS German.
Angelina Gosse achieved a High Achievement award (highest in Country) in A2 French.

Top Students Angelina and Paul were recognised for their outstanding academic success at the 2021 Prize Giving Awards