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School Closures – Open Day Postponed

May 9, 2023 | College News

Wentworth College and Primary School had to close early today due to flooding.

Wentworth Primary School closed until further notice – During today’s weather event, the main Primary School building suffered flood damage. This has also impacted on our power and internet services for the Primary School.  Unfortunately the Primary School is going to have to close until further notice.

Wentworth College Open – Fortunately for the College, we have had groundwater flooding in only two classrooms and our grounds have been a lake but that is beginning to disperse.  Our College Premises will be open tomorrow.

The schools will update parents and families tomorrow after we have had time to assess the damage.

We wish to reassure all parents that during today’s events your child’s safety was paramount.

Open Day Postponed – We have taken the decision to postpone tomorrow’s Open Day (Wednesday 10th May).  We will let all families who have registered for the Open Day know the new date once we have assessed the school and the weather has improved.

09 424 3273

