Enrolment Procedure
All applicants are required to attend a formal enrolment interview with the Principal, or the Heads of Primary or College. Enrolments are accepted throughout the academic year and an enrolment interview may be organised by contacting the Admissions Registrar at enquiries@wentworth.school.nz, or by phoning the school office:
Wentworth Primary School (for students entering Years 1 to 6) on 09 428 0903.
Wentworth College (for students entering Years 7 to 13) on 09 424 3273.
Enrolments are considered when the completed application form and payment of the application fee are received.
Supplementary documentation required to be presented at the interview:
- A copy of the applicant’s latest school report (excluding New Entrants).
- A completed Health / Medical Record, together with information (including copies of assessments) regarding any special education needs such as cognitive learning disorders or challenges.
- A copy of the applicant’s NZ birth certificate.
- If the applicant was not born in New Zealand, they will need to provide evidence of their eligibility to study in New Zealand by providing their passport together with any visas issued by Immigration New Zealand.
- Applicants may include any other additional information that they believe may assist the College in reaching a decision about their application.
Waiting List
Children may be placed on the waiting list at any time from birth. A completed Application Form and payment of the application fee of $100 is required for placement on the waiting list. Upon receipt, a letter of confirmation will be sent. The Admission Registrar will contact the parents at least 3 months prior to the anticipated commencement of the student (or 6 months prior for students entering the College) to arrange a suitable time for an enrolment interview.
Wentworth College Application Form
Wentworth Primary Application Form
Confirmation of Enrolment
Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their enrolment interview. Successful applicants will be offered a place at Wentworth Primary School or Wentworth College on return of the completed Contract of Enrolment and payment of an Enrolment Fee as outlined in the School Fees section of this website.
The Admissions Registrar is available to advise on all enrolment enquiries. Please email enquiries@wentworth.school.nz or alterntively, you may phone Wentworth Primary School on 09 428 0903 or Wentworth College on 09 424 3273.
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