Dec 7, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Mini-camp was a huge success this year!
Our Year 4, 5 and 6 friends went to a One Day Camp and we decided that we didn’t want to miss out on the fun……so, we had a mini-camp at school! The weather was a little changeable so we pitched the tents inside. We did manage to play some fun outdoor games and Mr D’s famous pikelets went down a TREAT!
A fun day was had my all and we look forward to taking part in it again next year!

Nov 16, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We have had a very busy few weeks.
The beginning of Term 4 saw us work hard to complete all of our end of year assessments. We have done a wonderful job and have made great progress in all curriculum areas.
Next, we visited MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology). Our focus has been on making connections between who we are today and the history of New Zealand. We certainly had some fun investigating the school house and learning about what the ‘pot’ under the bed was used for! Thank you for the wonderful parent support – we couldn’t do these visits without you – thank you very much – we appreciate you!
Then last week we had our annual Athletics Day. It was a wonderful event and I was so impressed with the way that the Kiwi class cheered each other on. Thank you to the parents who made us yummy popcorn and another big thank you to Mr D for the cooling iceblocks.
Have a look at the fun we had!

Oct 16, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
….because I am running really fast in the cross-country race!
We were so very excited that the school was able to hold our annual cross-country event at the end of Term 3. It was lovely to see and hear the cheering crowd urging us towards the finish line.
Congratulations to all of our Kiwi Class runners and a big thank you to the College helpers who enthusiastically supported us throughout the race!

Sep 9, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
The new mantra in our Kiwi class is……
Grow, Protect and Taste vegetables.
Our Kiwi Class have become members of a special club called the Little Garden League. This is an initiative designed to encourage children to enjoy vegetables and develop an understanding of how plants grow. This is perfect timing given our next Science topic is actually called ‘Growing Plants’!
Have a look at the fun we had today.

Sep 7, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Father’s Day provided our Kiwi Class with the opportunity to remind their dad’s of how loved and appreciated they are!
The Kiwi Class were extremely excited about making cards for dad and they couldn’t wait to take them home.
I hope that all of our fathers and cherished father figures, enjoyed a Sunday of relaxation and pampering.
Happy Father’s Day!

Aug 5, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Term 3 has seen two new students join our Kiwi class.
A very big
to our new Kiwi class friends!
Thank you to the Kiwi Class for being ‘bucket-fillers’ and welcoming our new friends.

Jul 24, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
What a wonderful way to end not only English Week, but also Term 2!
Book Character Day was a wonderful opportunity for us to share our favourite stories and characters with our friends. At times it felt like Wentworth Primary was actually Hogwarts as there were many Hermione and Harry Potter students out and about!.
The Kiwi Class was very fortunate to have our Year 7 friends visit us to share stories and also our Year 6 buddies came to listen to us read.
A wonderful end to an unusual but busy and FUN term! Have a look at our amazing character costumes!

Jun 19, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Sewing – what an absolutely wonderful skill for children to learn!
A Kiwi class friend gave us all a challenge this week! Could we sew a button onto some material using a REAL needle?
Well………we rose to the challenge………we used our excellent fine motor skills and our sharp eyesight (to thread the needle) to achieve our goal!
Have a look at our results!*
*A Kiwi class friend left early (to celebrate a special birthday) so we did not manage to get a photo of their wonderful sewing – they have taken it home though!

Jun 15, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Last week we had some wonderful Shared News which was contributed by one of our Kiwi class friends.
We discussed the importance of safety equipment and we even had the opportunity to try it on!

Jun 14, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
On Tuesday we were the luckiest class in the land because our school was allowed to go to Kelly Tarlton’s
we had the entire aquarium to OURSELVES!
We certainly made the most of it! We saw sea horses, touched starfish and we even made our own colourful fish ‘come to life’ on screen!
It was a wonderful day and it felt lovely to be able to go out and about again as it was the first day of Covid Alert Level 1.
Thank you to all of our parents for your excellent support. We couldn’t do it without you!

Jun 5, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Our wonderful Kiwi class are learning to introduce themselves in Maori. We are learning a Pepeha to share a little information about who we are and the connection we feel to our local area. We have even painted and drawn our sea, mountain and self-portrait to accompany our pepeha.
We are looking forward to showing you the finished artwork!
Our Kiwi class can say the following in Te Reo Maori:-
Kia Ora.
Ko (their name) toku ingoa. My name is ………….
Ko (insert the name of their mountain) toku maunga. My mountain is ……..
Ko (insert the name of their favourite beach/sea) toku moana. My sea (body of water) is…………
Ko Wentworth Primary toku kura. My school is Wentworth Primary.

May 23, 2020 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Our creative Year 4 teacher, Mr Wesbonk, inspired us to attempt to draw a character in Art on Friday.
Firstly we watched Mr Wesbonk Wants To…..and then we followed Mr Wesbonk’s tips and hints to create our very own characters. The finished drawings were fantastic!
We can’t wait to take them home to see if we can make our household appliances come alive – just like Mr Wesbonk did in his video!
Year 1 Wants To………say thank you, Mr Wesbonk!
Feel free to click on the link and follow Mr Wesbonk’s tips to recreate these fun artworks at home.