Nov 6, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Four teams of Year 6 engineering whizzkids took part in the Vector EPro8 STEM Competition, competing against other local schools to solve intricate problems using maths, science, electronics and technology.
It was a nailbiting event with Wentworth teams consistently in the running for the top spots and a ticket to the semi-finals. After two and a half hours, our jointly-third placed ‘Science Infection’ team were involved in a tense “build-off” to decide the final spot – and won by a massive 6mm!!!
Congratulations to all our teams – you were amazing!

Sep 27, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it…
Enjoy even more photos from our journey to the stars!!!

Sep 26, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
What an out-of-this-world extravaganza of space exploration!!! Our production, “The Final Frontier” was an epic tale of the struggle between the forces of good and evil, throwing in a healthy dose of science fiction fun for good measure!

Sep 5, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Yesterday, the Parera Class visited the College Museum to discover the secrets of some of the world’s greatest historical figures – told by the people themselves!!

Aug 26, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Our Maths Olympics against the parents was great fun!
Congratulations to the following teams, which performed extremely well: Arthur Weasley (winners); Dobby (joint 2nd); Fang (joint 2nd) and Hermione Grainger (3rd)

Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
To start our Science Week off with a bang (not literally, of course!), Watt the Robot paid Parera Class a visit to teach us how to stay safe around electricity.

We learned that our bodies are conductors because our bodies are 70% water.
So, playing near electricity can be dangerous as it can arc and jump through our bodies to try to reach the ground.
Vector employees wear special safety clothing to protect them.

Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Roll over, Beethoven ‘cos the boys (and girls) are back in town!
What a wonderful, talented group we have in our class! From presenters to singers; from musicians to dancers – the talent on display at our annual Primary Festival was incredible. Not even the exploding sound mixer could dampen the atmosphere or prevent the show from going on.
Congratulations, everyone, on such a toe-tapping, foot-stomping, hand-clapping success!

Jun 19, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
We had to understand teamwork and sustainability to find the treasure in the recent Treasure Hunt show, where inhabitants of Seeland and Treeview had to work together to venture into the Beyond and find the missing songs of the Trees and Seas.

Jun 17, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
The Year 6 class had an incredibly busy schedule for their Wellington trip last week. It was an early start for the airport and, once we had checked in to our hotel, we headed to the iconic Wellington cable cars for a quick ride and to admire the views of the city.

Jun 2, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Our Parera Class have been lucky enough to acquire a box of WW1 artefacts – each with its own story attached. We have discovered the real young Kiwi men who served in WW1 and learned a little about their experiences before, during and after the war.

Official Records

An Epaulette

Old school and family photographs

Souvenirs from Egypt

Old photographs from the trenches

Badges and other memorabilia

Documents and maps

A violin string – returned with other personal effects
May 11, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
Wow! Well done to all our brilliant chess players, who attended the Hibiscus Coast Chess Tournament – you played strongly and showed wonderful sporting behaviour – win, lose or draw!

Nailbiting tension as the tournament drew to a close…

Congratulations, Ananda! Tournament Champion!

ChessPower Knockout badge acquired!
May 10, 2019 | Moa - Year 6 blog
What a beautiful day to visit this wonderful island sanctuary, right here on our doorstep!

We picked up any rubbish we found on the beach.

We spotted so many different birds!

Not even the biggest wetapunga on the island!