Ranked by many as one of the toughest team sports, waterpolo is certainly not for the faint-hearted.
Not only does it combine the athleticism and skill of football, netball and basketball, but also the rough and tumble of rugby – and that is before taking into account that it is all done in deep water without any chance of resting your feet on the pool bottom, even briefly!
Our youngest team consists of Years 7 and 8 pupils, some of whom are new to the sport whilst others have graduated from Flippaball in the Primary School. The team plays outstandingly in the Sunday League and have proved to be a force to be reckoned with.
There are two different divisions playing for Wentworth: Intermediate Waterpolo – Years 7 & 8, and College Waterpolo – Years 9 to 11 students (single sex or mixed teams).
Games are usually played on Sunday afternoons/evenings at the Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre during school time only.
Training and games run in Terms 2, 3 and 4 only. (There is no play in Term 1). Training times and days are to be advised.
Costs: $TBA per child per term including training and games. Tournaments approx. $60 extra.
Uniform: Students purchase their own swimwear.
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