General Information
Wentworth Primary School expects students to take pride in their uniform and to wear it correctly at all times. When students are in school uniform, school rules apply whether you are on the school grounds or not. Correct official uniform is required for:
- attendance at school
- travelling to and from school
- attendance at school functions away from school (sports tours, cultural and social)
Incorrect uniform, or a mixture of school uniform, sports gear and personal non uniform clothing, is not acceptable in the street. Students not in the correct uniform are required to have a note from home explaining the reason for the discrepancy. Jackets and raincoats must not be worn inside the classrooms. T-shirts, singlets and other underwear worn for extra warmth must not be visible.
Uniform Shop Hours
All new uniform items for both Wentworth Primary and College are sold from the uniform shop located at the College, 2 doors down from Reception.
During term dates the shop is open as follows:
Tuesday morning from 8:00am until approx 9:15am
Thursday afternoon from 3:00pm until approx 4.15pm
Online Orders for uniform items can be placed by clicking on ‘email Trish’ (which is located at the top right hand corner of this page) and advising which items you would like to purchase, along with your child’s full name.
Opening hours during school holidays are notified to the parent community through the weekly e-newsletters.
Second hand uniforms can be sold direct by parents to parents through the Facebook group, “HBC Second Hand Uniforms” or the Wentworth Friends and Family facebook page.
Uniform Price List
View the Uniform Shop Price List, March 2023
Uniform Shop Refund Policy
We recommend that uniform items are tried on at time of purchase. Items can only be returned if still unworn and with original tags and within 7 days of the original purchase
How to Pay
We have a credit card / EFTPOS machine in the Uniform Shop, and we also accept cash. For items ordered over the phone or via the website for collection at school by your child, you can also pay online.
When making payments online, please ensure that your child’s name appears in the ‘particulars’ or ‘code’ fields, and that you are using the correct account suffix for the uniform shop.
Account name: Wentworth College
Account number: 02 0100 0816277 12
Changeover Dates for Summer and Winter Uniform
Term 1 – summer uniform is compulsory.
Term 2 – winter uniform from beginning of Term 2 is compulsory.
Term 3 – winter uniform is compulsory.
Term 4 – summer uniform. Winter uniform is worn on the last two days of Term 4 for our whole school photograph and Sports Prize giving, as well as the Academic Prize giving.
Please note:
In accordance with our sunsafe policy, in Term 1 and Term 4, school uniform sunhats are compulsory for all students. There are two styles – a slouch hat or a bucket hat with a full brim. No caps.
Winter uniform is worn for end-of-year Assembly and Prize Giving, official photographs, ANZAC parade attendance and Year 6 Graduation evening.
Students are expected to wear their hair styled in a reasonably conventional way. Hair must be kept tidy throughout the normal activities of a school day. Unnatural colours, or extreme colouring, or streaks and patches of colour, or tufted styles, dreadlocks and braids are not permitted. Girls’ hair must be clear of the face and eyes. Plain hair bands and clips, black or navy only, may be worn by girls to contain the hair. Long hair must be dressed up or tied back. Boys’ hair must be clean and controlled and clear of the face and must not be below the top edge of the collar. Shaved or extreme styles are not permitted.
Students may not wear facial makeup. Nail polish, if worn, must be colourless.
Only a wristwatch may be worn. Students may not wear chains or necklaces around the neck. Girls with pierced ears may wear one matching pair of small, plain, unobtrusive studs in the lower part of each earlobe. Boys are not permitted to wear any jewellery other than a watch.
PE Uniform
The PE uniform consists of burgundy and blue T-shirts and shorts. It is usually worn during all PE classes, with sports shoes. It is also worn at whole school sporting events, and inter-school sports competitions.
The Wentworth Primary School uniform consists of the following:
- Summer Dress – length mid calf
- School slouch hat or bucket hat is compulsory
- Burgundy & blue PE shirt
- Burgundy & blue PE shorts
Girls Winter
- Winter Tunic – length mid calf
- Winter Shirt
- Jumper
- Blazer
- Tie
- School navy blue tights
- Burgundy & blue PE shirt
- Burgundy & blue PE shorts
- Blue PE Sports Hoodie (optional)
- Summer Polo
- Summer Shorts
- School slouch hat or bucket hat is compulsory
- Burgundy & blue PE shirt
- Burgundy & blue PE shorts
Boys Winter
- Winter Shirt
- Winter Shorts
- Jumper
- Blazer
- Tie
- School knee length socks
- Burgundy & blue PE shirt
- Burgundy & blue PE shorts
- Blue PE Sports Hoodie (optional)
Footwear Guidelines
For safety reasons, all school footwear – summer and winter, boys and girls – must have substantial sole and heel, with tread.
SUMMER Footwear
- Plain black leather school shoes with white ankle socks; or
- Black leather sandals without socks.
- Plain black leather school lace-up shoes with school regulation socks; or
- Black leather sandals without socks.
WINTER Footwear
- Plain black leather school shoes with regulation school navy blue tights.
Shoes may be lace-up or T-bar/U-bar shoes, with tread. - Velcro is permitted at Primary School age but not in the College.
- Plain black leather school lace-up with regulation school socks.
- Velcro is permitted at Primary School age but not in the College.
Please note: The following are not permitted:
- Non-leather shoes or sandals.
- Sports shoes – slip-on shoes – shoes with minimal or no tread.
- Shoes or sandals that do not have a substantial sole and heel.
- Shoes with a heel over 3cm in height.

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