Welcome to Class Korora’s (Year 4’s) blog, and it’s first post. Let’s all ignore the fact that it’s 7 weeks into Term 1. Mercy for the new guy, and all that!
I’m pleased to share with you some of the things that we’ve been doing…

We’ve been looking at Aesop’s fables. Pulling them apart to learn their narrative structure as well as how different language features are used to make the stories more engaging.
Any language features we learn in reading we try to immediately use in our writing. One thing we are clear on now is that our narratives need to have a good problem and resolution. To add interest, we are learning to add description using adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

After a fantastic introduction from our Life Education lessons, we’ve been continuing to learn about the digestive system.
In pairs we are studying a different part of the digestive system and will soon be presenting back to the class.
The students are enjoying their lessons with Mrs Sancto. They particularly like an outdoor game named Coco, which uses strategy.
The students are enjoying their lessons with Mrs Poppe. They have been listening to pieces of music from The Carnival of the Animals.
We have been using song-writing to strengthen our understanding of phonics and how words can rhyme together based on common vowel sounds.
We are pleased with the two songs we have written together as a class so far: “I Can’t Stand the Heat” and “Dylan and the Possum” (based on Dylan’s unusual experience, waking up next to a possum in his bed!).
You can hear us singing “Dylan and the Possum” below:
Recently we completed some coloured-paper art. This was an application of the drawing skills we have been working on. You can see them hanging in the hallway outside our classrooms.
We’ve been looking at the Commonwealth Games. As part of that, we are looking closer at the globe and how the countries are arranged in continents.