Hi parents,
Now that we’re nearly at the end of Term 3, let me share with you a few highlights:
We finished up our investigations of magnets, by making our own compasses from corks and needles. We can now attest that we’re going North when we exit through the classroom door!
Lately, we’ve been looking at the human skeleton. Below you’ll see photos of us comparing the measurements of our major bones.
Recently, we’ve had a focus on geometry: naming, drawing, and constructing three dimensional shapes.
Computational Thinking
The student’s have learnt a significant amount of computer skills this term, including how to use email, and how to use the Google suite (Google docs, Google Slides etc) to produce work.
Persuasive Writing and Speeches
We’ve had a focus this term on learning the features of effective persuasive writing and speaking. We’ve recently been practicing our oral language skills by sharing a page from a novel. We’re now in the process of writing our own speeches.
We’ve added another illustrated narrative to our storybooks this term.
In Art, we’ve had a focus on learning to draw and colour landscapes.
Production Rehearsal
As you would have heard, we have our major production coming up at the end of term. We’ve been busy learning and rehearsing all the songs and dances
At Wentworth we pride ourselves on students being able to know where their knees and ears are.