May 13, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
The sun was shining and the Hihi birds were singing!
We had a fantastic trip to Tiritiri Matangi last week.
The stunning weather enabled us to see some beautiful New Zealand birds.
Our highlight was seeing the Hihi – we were thrilled to spot both a male and female Hihi!
We also saw three Wetapunga. This stunning insect can grow as big as 10cm in body length – Mrs McLeish was pleased that the one we saw wasn’t as big as that!
We absolutely appreciated the expertise of Tiritiri Matangi guides and we also want to send out a big THANK YOU to all of our helpers! We couldn’t do it without your support!
I know that I can’t wait until our next visit!
Apr 16, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
It has been a very long but very fun Term 1.
I can’t believe that it has come to an end.
I want to wish the Hihi class a wonderful and safe holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 2!

Apr 16, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
On our last day of term our entire school gathered together to make poppies in remembrance of our ANZAC heroes.
Our challenge was to make the tallest poppy possible using only 20 sheets of newspaper, 4 sheets of red paper, one sheet of black paper, string, sellotape and scissors.
The results were creative, stunning and it was very special seeing our poppies standing tall in the school gymnasium.
We all developed our leadership skills. We learned to effectively work together towards a common goal by communicating clearly as well as diplomatically.
It was a fun challenge and the poppy heads have been displayed in the hallway at school. Please pop in and check them out!
Apr 16, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We certainly missed our Year 4, 5 and 6 friends when they went to camp but we were determined not to miss out on the fun!
On Friday 29th March we had our very own MINI-CAMP here at school.
The weather was not on our friend so we pitched our tents inside. We made pikelet batter and Mr D cooked them on the BBQ for us. They were delicious!
We then had our friends teach us some hand games and we sang camp songs.
It was a fantastic day!

Apr 5, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Today’s Teddy Bear picnic was fantastic fun!
The school was over-run with fluffy, cuddly friends…..
and there were lots of soft toys too!
Our teddies had a shared morning tea, they played outside and they even did some school work.
At the recent school council meeting the students decided that the proceeds raised from the mufti day should go to the City Mission to support the homeless in our community. Lots of money was raised for this important cause. A big thank you to everyone for their support.
Mar 15, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Beautiful singing welcomed our Dad’s and families into school this morning.
We then showed our Dad’s some of the fun we have in a day.
We played with feathers, fly swats, ping pong balls and our parachute.
Mar 14, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
In Art we have been investigating facial proportions and experimenting with pencil sketches, crayon drawing and iPad art.
Have a look at us creating our self-portraits on the iPads!
Mar 13, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We all had a fantastic day at the Beach last week!
We have started to paint some beach landscapes to display our writing. We will let you know when they are finished so that you can come in and check them out!

Feb 25, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
We have been so lucky to have Harold, the Giraffe, and his friend Chris visit us from Life Education Trust.

Harold has been helping us to recognise and acknowledge feelings such as sadness, happiness and anger. Harold reminded us of the important qualities of friendship and he showed us what it looks like to be a good friend.
We love it when Harold visits and we are already looking forward to seeing him next year!

Feb 5, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Today we discussed Waitangi Day.
The Hihi class acted out the role of the tangata whenua (Maori) of New Zealand, whilst our Ruru friends were the British settlers.
We explored the need to create a Treaty to ensure that we are all protected by fair rules, which we all created and agreed upon – see below………
Article One:
Be kind to each other.
Article Two:
Share traditions.
Article Three:
Look after our environment.
We then signed the treaty to demonstrate our commitment to upholding each of the ‘Three Articles’ in our Te Tiriti o Wentworth (The Treaty of Wentworth).

The Maori and British friends agreeing to share traditions.

Signing the Treaty!

Jan 30, 2019 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
Welcome to our Hihi (Stitchbird) Class for 2019.

We have some lovely new faces joining us this year and we are looking forward to a year filled with learning and laughter!
This year we are going on a Beach Picnic to Shakespeare Regional Park. We will visit Tiritiri Matangi where we hope to catch a glimpse of our Hihi namesakes in the flesh.
We can’t wait for Harold to visit us from the Life Education Trust and we know that you will be looking forward to our School Production, Music Festival, as well as Dad’s Day and many more exciting activities.
Hopefully this blog will provide you with an insight into some of the exciting things we do in a school day, so feel free to check in on this page for regular updates.
But, first things first……….Meet our wonderful Hihi Class!
Dec 10, 2018 | Kiwi – Year 1 Blog
2018 has been a wonderful year and as I begin to reflect, I can’t believe how quickly it has gone!
Thank you for sharing your children with me and allowing me to be a part of their learning journey.
Enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday and see you all in the New Year!