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2020 Classroom Blogs

It’s a bug’s life…… or is it?

Today the Karearea class created an algorithm instructing our Bee Bots to move forwards and then complete one revolution.

Coding our Bee Bots, and recognising errors (bugs) in our programming, has been a recent focus and has formed the initial stages of many of our Computational Thinking sessions.

The Karearea’s enjoyed the opportunity to identify Bee Bot bugs!

See if you can find out which ‘rouge’ Bee Bot needs the attention of our excellent Karearea programmers!


Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside…

Another eagerly-anticipated annual event is the Primary and Y7&8 Beach Picnic at Shakespear Park. With games, swimming, water pistols, sausages and cakes, not to mention the chance to catch up with old and new friends, the day is always full of fun and laughter!


Ahoy, Captains!

Each year, our Year 6 students have the opportunity to put themselves forward as candidates in our School Captain elections. This year we had eight wonderful children who rose to the challenge, giving speeches, making videos or slideshows and trying to convince our Primary students to vote for them.

The quality of the presentations was extremely high and I would like to publicly congratulate all of the candidates, who were so brave and had put a lot of thought and effort into their work.

The 2018 School Captains are Emily, Caitlin and Rory.

Killer Whales in the pool

It was our annual College and Primary Swimming Tournament recently and the Year 6 Maki Class were amazing to watch! Not only were they sleek in the water, they also knew how to have fun and support each other. Our relay teams were phenomenal, competing ably against the older children.

Well done, Maki, and congratulations to Alexander, Rory, Caitlin and Rosa, who qualified to represent our school at the forthcoming Inter-schools event.




The Arrival of the Maki

Welcome to the Maki Blog. Our new Year 6 students are raring to go on an exciting year of adventure and discovery. Just like the Maki, or killer whale, our class likes to work and play in groups and are friendly and sociable. They also like to be noticed and to have fun!

Art – Self Portraits

We have been painting pictures of our lovely selves.


We started off by drawing our oval faces.

We looked very carefully at where our eyes, noses and mouths were…


We had a look at our hair and drew it how we thought it looked.

We had to go back and remember that we needed a neck in our picture so that our faces weren’t floating!

We painted our skin…


Then our hair…

Then our lips…


And our eyes…


Once they are dry, we will add backgrounds and finishing touches. 

Our paintings are looking very beautiful…just like us!


Welcome to the Karearea Class!

Welcome to the Karearea Class!

The Karearea is also known as the New Zealand Falcon.

The Karearea is the only bird of prey endemic to New Zealand which makes it very rare and special.
Our Karearea class are special too!
They have started Term 1 with enthusiasm and a drive to learn.
We are looking forward to soaring to great heights this year just like our name sake, so please check out our blog to see what exciting new learning has been happening in our classroom!

Welcome to Korimako Class 2018

Welcome to Korimako Class of 2018.

Korimako is the Maori name for the Bellbird.  We decided to call ourselves Korimako because we think we are cheerful and tuneful class, just like the Bellbird.

Wentworth Year 3 Class

We have a friend with no name.  We have looked at it characteristics to suggest names for it.  Another problem we have we do not know it’s gender.  We have discovered some interesting things about the bird.  It decided to peck the sapphire from Mrs King’s ring.
Have a look at all our ideas to help us decide a name.

I think the bird is soft, crazy and cheeky.
It is a fussy eater. I think we should call it,
Gemstone if it is a girl Mischief for a boy.

I think the bird is cheeky, a thief. It loves climbing.
When it goes on my hand it feels weird.
I think we should call it Lenny.

I think the bird is naughty, jewelry thief, cheeky, funny and clever.
It is a messy eater and fussy eater. It is very colourful.
I think it should be called Polly.

I think the bird is cute, nice, and clever. It is
cheeky. It has a grip that feels spiky when
you hold it. I think we should name it Jeff.

The bird is very pretty, cheeky and a very big trickster.
It is a jewelry thief. It has sharp claws.
If it is a boy we should call it Fruit or a girl Watermelon.

I like the bird because it is clever and it is

The bird is smart, naughty, cheeky and funny.
It has sapphire blue on it’s tail with sparkly eyes.
It looks like a lemon. I think we should name
it Sapphire.

The bird is soft, funny and cheeky. It is colourful with big eyes.
We should name it Nesha.

The bird is a jewel thief and very cheeky.
We should call it Mr Poop.

I think the bird is cheeky and naughty. It’s feet are soft. It likes to peck sparkly things. If it’s a boy it should be called Pluto or a girl Peck.

Welcome to Year 2!

Hi, and welcome to Year 2!

We have had a lovely start to the year. After a lot of discussion we have decided to be the Year 2 Kea Class.

Our mascot is Katie the Kea, who will go home with a different child each week. Katie brings with her a book which you can add to with writing and photos.

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