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2020 Classroom Blogs

End of Term 3

Wow, what a fun term we have had in Tuatara class! Below are some photographs of some of the learning that we have been doing:

During one of our Data Handling lessons, we had a special visit from some of the year 3 students, who were conducting a survey. Both classes were involved in answering survey questions for each other, which was lots of fun!

This term, Tuatara were set a task of conducting their own research about the Earth and Space, at home, and presenting their findings in any way that they wish. The results were absolutely out of this world!! There was a huge buzz around the school on Monday when all of the children brought their finished products in to share. The children shared their presentations with the rest of the class. It was fantastic to see such a variety of presentations, from games that had been created on Scratch, to google slides and quizzes, top trump games and whole solar systems that had been creatively made – some even lit up! The children presented their findings with great confidence. Well done Tuatara!

Earlier this term we were invited to the college to explore the ‘Ancients Alive’ museum. As we walked around, we listened to a selection of around 40 Ancient people who came alive and spoke about themselves. We had to find and push the activate button in order to hear them. We had a great time learning lots of new and interesting facts.

The Primary School have had a wonderful time celebrating different foods from around the world. We held two shared morning tea and lunch days promoting Global Foods, that is, foods from our country of identity. Year 5 worked hard during Global Perspectives lessons, conducting research and creating posters about their country. Then they presented their information to the rest of the school. Some children even came to school wearing a costume that is identifiable as something from their country. We all had a lovely time trying new and exciting foods. Lots of interesting questions were asked and lots of fun was had!!

As we come towards the final week of the term, I wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Push, Pull, Squeeze, Twist, Stretch or Pinch

Year three have been learning about forces in Science.  We were all given a piece of modelling clay we had to change the shape by using different forces.  After that in our groups we played a game by rolling a dice then doing the action each number represented by either giving it a squeeze, push, pull, twist, stretch or pinching it the object of the game was to create a dinosaur.  We were given five minutes.  It was so much fun.


    Do you like our dinosaurs we created?  We think we are really clever!

Ancients Alive!

Yesterday, the Parera Class visited the College Museum to discover the secrets of some of the world’s greatest historical figures – told by the people themselves!!


Ancient Museum

We had the privilege of visiting the Year 7 exhibition of the Ancient Museum.  It was incredible the effort the children had gone to with their displays and the information they presented.  The Primary students were very respectful at  listening to the speeches the Year 7 students had prepared.  Definitely highly recommend all parents and families to visit next time I assure you will not be disappointed.


The Living Museum

Today we were invited to attend the Living Museum held at the College by the Year 7 classes.

The Year 7 students chose a character from Ancient History and they became that person.  They dressed up and shared their knowledge about the significant life events of their historical figure.

Congratulations Year 7 on a wonderful event.  You clearly put in a lot of time and effort and we thoroughly enjoyed our adventure though time!


Term 3: Weeks 4 – 6

Hi parents,

Here’s some photos from some of the special events we’ve had over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy.

Maths Day

He might have the answer sheet, but this Dad has a body slam that will prevent him from being able to submit it.

Using the paper folds on the answer sheet to help gain more thrust.

Dad did an impressive full-flip on the mat, and also did this with the hoola-hoop. Guess which one I got a photo of.


Our students were not showing the signs of exhaustion we would have hoped for by this stage.

Descends from the sky like no mere mortal.

The amazing invisible booster seat.


Daffodil Day

Cute foreground, rubbish background (not our lovely students, the actual rubbish)

Slept in, and forgot to get dressed. Fortunately, they picked the right day to do it.

Looking like something filled with sugar has just entered his bloodstream.

Owning the room.

This student seems nonchalant about the mythical creature at her shoulder.


Cross Country

We had both shivering and sweating over our time out there.

Getting the hang of this running thing.







Global Foods Shared Lunch

Global Foods

We enjoyed a fabulous day where we shared fun facts about about our cultures and dressed in traditional clothing. Our shared lunch was an international feast and enjoyed by all.

Welcome to the Kereru Class!

Welcome to the Kereru Class!

Image result for kereru

Our little class have had a busy start to Term 3.

We have four new Kereru’s who are loving learning all about the Wentworth Primary Values and they are enjoying making many new friends.

This blog is intended to be an open forum for our Kereru’s to share with you their fun experiences and their exciting learning.  Already, we have been to the Auckland Museum and we are so excited about the upcoming Firewise visit from our local Silverdale Fire Brigade!

Hopefully this blog will provide you with some insight into some of the exciting things we do at Wentworth Primary School.


Term 3 Fun

Tuatara Class have been incredibly busy this term. Please see all of the fun things we have been learning below:

Here we are learning Origami in Art.

In Maths we have been learning about ratios. We explored this by mixing different ratios of paints. This was a very fun Maths lesson!

We also went on a fantastic school trip to Auckland Museum, where we listened to some Myths and Legends. A particular highlight, when exploring the Museum, was the earthquake room.

In Computer Science, we have been making lots of noise whilst learning to create our own music. Our finished products sounded great!!

We even had a lovely visit from some college students. This was a fabulous session, where the college students read their stories to us, and we shared our own publishing with them.

This term we also completed our school cross country. I was very impressed with all of our students!

A special congratulations goes to Amy, Konstantin and Aston, who represented Wentworth Primary School at Interschool cross country. Well done Amy for placing 8th in the year 5 girls races.

We really have been busy so far this term!!

Global Food Day

What a feast we had on Friday.  Food, food glorious food was defiantly the song being sung on Friday.  The array of food from various cultures was certainly spectacular.



It was amazing to see children dressed in traditional clothing from their culture.  We also discovered some interesting facts about different countries.

Glorious Global Goodies

Our Global Foods shared lunch was a wonderful opportunity for us all to not only try new foods, but to also get to know more about the friends in our class.

We ate Russian Pancakes, Chinese Mooncakes, Dutch Licorice, English Cornish Pasties and many Kiwi classics such as Kiwifruit and Weetbix Slice…… name a few of the goodies on offer………..YUMMY!

Thank you so much to all of the effort each family made to represent a part of their cultural identity, on a plate!



Yum, Yum Purple Caulifower

We have been enjoying eating the incredible vegetables from our garden especially the purple cauliflower.

A big thank-you to the parents that have given seedlings to replenish the garden.

It has been fantastic seeing the community come and pick fresh vegetables and herbs.

I know the year three students are looking forward to the summer fruits we have planted.

Kiki our class parrot enjoys his fresh vegetables from the garden that we pick for him daily.



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