Introducing, Class Mokomoko
Hi parents,
Please welcome the quirky characters of class Mokomoko. Starting with the class character we designed: Mike, the Mokomoko.
And here’s some of the Art we have been doing in class:
Hi parents,
Please welcome the quirky characters of class Mokomoko. Starting with the class character we designed: Mike, the Mokomoko.
And here’s some of the Art we have been doing in class:
Year 6 students had a training session with St John’s, where the students learned what to do if they were first on the scene of an accident. They also practised some basic first aid skills such as dealing with bleeding, burns and breaks – and had great fun wrapping their friends in slings and bandages.
One of the world’s mightiest trees, the kauri is valued for its ability to stand tall and weather all conditions – which is exactly how we intend to navigate our way through Year 6.
This year, we have lots of exciting events, such as school captain elections; camp; Wellington; EPro8 and chess tournaments as well as our music festival, school production and sporting competitions.
Here is our timetable:
The Takahe is a very special native New Zealand bird. Our children think that a Takahe looks very similar to a Pukeko……but we all agree that it is definitely BIGGER!
I wonder what similarities the Takahe has with the amazing students in our classroom
Takahe are clever – that is exactly the same as our Year 1 students! They are loyal companions and make life-long partnerships – that sounds a lot like the kind and friendly children in our classroom, too. The Takahe have vibrant turquoise, deep blue, and green feathers and their red beaks look stunning – we are super cute as well!
I certainly think that we have chosen the right bird to represent us!
Let’s meet the amazing students in our Takahe Class!
The Reaper and the Reptile
Say Hell-o, girls.
Is that a broom, or a really hairy belly button?
Ah, some sweet relief from the dastardly!
This Count was wishing there was a sunblock with SPF 10,000
A chilling twist on traditional Chinese costume.
The most terrifying Halloween costume of them all: a bucket that consumes a head whole!
Even the undead just want a good wifi signal
For science we have been looking at electrical circuits. We’ve made some interesting discoveries in regards to how parallel or series circuits affect a light bulb’s brightness.
We had a great time at the Auckland Museum in Week 2. Always new things to spot, and to learn about.
Jack enjoys the rebellious thrill of touching museum exhibits.
Ashlee contemplates her place in the food-chain
The buffet table at the museum.
Ciaran with something he purchased from the gift-shop
Like they’ve never seen water before
We’ve been continuing to explore the properties of magnets, and conducting experiments.
We often tell our students that books are ‘treasures’ and this message was reinforced in the recent performance of Treasure Hunt.
The Hihi class were taken on an adventure, told through the tales found in stories written by New Zealand authors.
The actors drew our children into a world where success was found by understanding that we are all different, showing kindness and empathy towards things we do not understand, and most of all having CONFIDENCE in ourselves!