Sep 12, 2018 | College News, College Sport News, Gymnastics
Our Year 7 and 8 Wentworth gymnasts travelled to Tauranga last week for the AIMS Games Rhythmic Gymnastics competition and won a total of nine medals.
In the Twisters competition (for Novice and Club Level 1-3 gymnasts), the team of Sophia Gardiner, Teresa Sell and Natalie Brewer won Gold medals. All three gymnasts also took top placings individually with Sophia winning Gold, Teresa winning Silver and Natalie taking Bronze.
In the Flyers competition (for Novice gymnasts), the team of Imogen Herbert, Charlotte Sancto-Jones and Bethany Smith won Silver medals. Their individual placings were Imogen 4th, Charlotte 5th and Bethany 6th.
A huge “thank you!” to coaches Kate Heard and Claire Wiggin for all their expertise and the time they have put into coaching the girls.
These were amazing results from our gymnasts – well done girls!

Jul 14, 2018 | College News, College Sport News, Gymnastics
On Thursday, 28th June, 10 Wentworth students took part in a rhythmic gymnastics competition in Takanini and came away with outstanding results.
In the Years 9 and 10 Group Competition, the team of Bronte Heath, Emma Gilpin, Alex Dobson and Caitlin Smith won Gold.
Our Junior team of Natalie Brewer, Teresa Sell, Imogen Herbert, Bethany Smith, Charlotte Sancto-Jones and Stephanie Ye won Silver, which is an amazing achievement for a group of Year 7 & 8 students.
In the Novice Open Individual Grade, Wentworth took all top placings, with Emma Gilpin winning Gold, Caitlin Smith winning Silver and Alex Dobson taking the Bronze.
The others students also did well, with Natalie Brewer in 4th place and Bethany Smith in 6th. Teresa Sell and Imogen Herbert were placed 8th and 9th respectively.
These were amazing results for our gymnasts – well done girls!
All gymnasts have qualified to attend the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in September this year.