Apr 1, 2021 | Primary News
Scattered showers and threats of thunder did not deter our Year 1, 2 and 3 students from pitching tents outside and enjoying a fun mini-camp day.
After Mr Dorset cooked us some delicious pikelets we worked together to put our tents up – some were tricky but we managed it! Teamwork was definitely on display at Wentworth Primary today.
We loved sharing the tents with our friends and we enjoyed reading in them too.
The day finished with an Easter Egg hunt and even some freshly made popcorn. Thank you so much to Raymond’s Mum, Rainbow and Isobel’s Mum, Samantha for their excellent popcorn making.
Happy Minicamp and Happy Easter to all of our Wentworth Family and Friends!

Mar 19, 2021 | Primary News
The Primary school welcomed our ‘Dads’ to school this morning. The day started with a special Dads assembly. The children then took their dads to the classrooms to compete in a number of games and challenges. Our morning ended with a shared morning tea and lots of fun in the sun. A fantastic morning.

Mar 18, 2021 | Primary News
As part of our study into New Zealand History, Wentworth Primary School visited Silverdale Pioneer Village this week. Students had great fun exploring what early New Zealand living was like.

Jan 27, 2021 | College News, Primary News
The Wentworth Trust Board is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Kurt Dorset as the new Head of Wentworth Primary School from the start of the 2021 academic school year. Mr Dorset succeeds Mr Chris Donovan, who was the Head of Primary since 2013 and saw the school grow under his leadership from just 26 students to a current very healthy roll of 107 students. Mr Donovan tendered his resignation to the board last year to return to his former career in the finance sector.
Mr Dorset was selected from an outstanding field of both local and international applicants. With a Bachelor of Education and Diploma in Teaching from Auckland University, he has 16 years’ experience teaching students from Years 3 to 7.
Mr Dorset joins Wentworth following 11 Years at Saint Kentigern Boys’ School , where he held numerous leadership and management roles and was a member of the school’s executive management team. These roles have included those of Director of Curriculum Assessment and Learning (Years 0 to 8), Director of Innovation and Learning, and Head of e-Learning. In addition, Mr Dorset has been a House and Year level Dean, and actively involved in leading school camps and coaching school sports teams. A notable feature of Mr Dorset’s background includes his co-authoring of an educational paper in 2017. The paper was very well received by the educational community and following an invitation to do so, Mr Dorset presented his research at an international education conference in Baltimore, USA.
On a personal level, Mr Dorset and his wife, Brooke, have two young children. Prior to starting their family, Mrs Dorset was a New Entrant teacher at Kristin School and St Cuthbert’s College.
Mr Dorset states “I am excited to accept the position at Wentworth Primary School. The educational philosophy and values that underpin the current success of Wentworth Primary fit well with my own educational philosophy. I also have a strong belief in the Cambridge academic programme followed by Wentworth students. I look forward to getting to know all members of the Wentworth school community.”
We have been very fortunate to be able to secure Mr Dorset’s commencement from the start of the 2021 academic year.
Sep 25, 2020 | Primary News
Last Wednesday evening, the Wentworth Primary Years 2, 4 and 6 students brought to life a brilliant Wild Western musical comedy, “Ye,Ha”. The show delivered singing, dancing, laughter and lots of fun. The children were fantastic, especially as rehearsal time had been restricted due to lock down.
Due to Alert Level 2 restrictions, we were only allowed to only have an audience of 100 people in the Hall but it didn’t stop a fantastic atmosphere. There was plenty to keep the eyes and ears entertained; bright costumes, expressive faces, witty lines and a great plot. Parents will be sent a recording of the production to share with extended family who couldn’t attend because of the restrictions on numbers.

Sep 18, 2020 | Cross Country, Primary News
What a wonderful sunny day for our annual Wentworth Primary School cross country run, and a great way to enjoy being outside and having some fun.
The whole school participated, and once again we were reminded of how awesome our students are, how well they supported each other, and we are very proud of the way they all tried their best. Our students all enjoyed their ice blocks at the end of the race.
Well done to the parents and supporters that were able to cheer on our athletes, and thanks also to the Wentworth College Year 9 students that assisted throughout the event.

Aug 15, 2019 | Primary News
Last Friday, August 9th, the Travelwise mentors took to the pavements with placards to see how many vehicles passed the school and acknowledged the children. The exercise was to register the volume of traffic going past the school and make drivers aware that they need to slow down. The results were very interesting as we discovered it is an extremely busy road and there was considerable acknowledgment received from drivers. The students who took part thoroughly enjoyed the process, especially the smiles and waves.
Our next exercise will be to gauge the speed in which vehicles drive past the school. Alongside this we are endeavouring to start up a walking school bus. Keep an eye out for further updates on this.

The school applied to Auckland Transport earlier in the year for a pedestrian crossing outside the school. Unfortunately, our application was declined. As student and traffic numbers increase, we hope that Auckland Transport will have a change of heart in the future and reconsider their decision.
Jun 14, 2019 | Primary News
The Education Review Office (ERO) visited Wentworth Primary School towards the end of Term 1 and met with the students and staff. Their report has now been finalised and is available for viewing here.
The Education Review Office (ERO) is a government department, set up under the State Sector Act 1988 to evaluate and report publicly on the quality of education provided in New Zealand schools and early childhood services.
Mr Chris Donovan, Head of Primary said “ERO have identified some of the unique features and strengths that Wentworth has to offer. It is pleasing to note that they recognise that our students benefit from small class sizes and individual learning plans, and that they also recognise that students are actively engaged in their learning”.
Other affirmative statements include ERO’s awareness that the Wentworth values are woven into the students’ learning programme and that our academic focus is complemented by the arts and other programmes, such as Physical Education.