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Flippa Ball – Years 3-6 – MARLINS & WARRIORS

Aug 26, 2019 | Flippaball, Primary Sport News

This week we had a cross over game, which means we played each other. Both the Years 3&4 and Years 5&6 teams were mixed up with players from both year groups competing against each other. I wanted it to be a fun game and my expectations were met. The teams weren’t exactly equal with 8 players in one team and 9 players in the other team, but no-one seemed to mind and everyone had fun. While no score was kept it was good to award the Player of the Day trophies. Ben Rist was given Player of the Day for the Blue Team. Ben played hard, but equally important he communicated well and was always looking for his other strikers. Chloe Chisholm was Player of Day for the White Team for coming up to defend against the opposition strikers and passing to her goal keeper.


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