Sep 18, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Wow, what a fun term we have had in Tuatara class! Below are some photographs of some of the learning that we have been doing:
During one of our Data Handling lessons, we had a special visit from some of the year 3 students, who were conducting a survey. Both classes were involved in answering survey questions for each other, which was lots of fun!

This term, Tuatara were set a task of conducting their own research about the Earth and Space, at home, and presenting their findings in any way that they wish. The results were absolutely out of this world!! There was a huge buzz around the school on Monday when all of the children brought their finished products in to share. The children shared their presentations with the rest of the class. It was fantastic to see such a variety of presentations, from games that had been created on Scratch, to google slides and quizzes, top trump games and whole solar systems that had been creatively made – some even lit up! The children presented their findings with great confidence. Well done Tuatara!

Earlier this term we were invited to the college to explore the ‘Ancients Alive’ museum. As we walked around, we listened to a selection of around 40 Ancient people who came alive and spoke about themselves. We had to find and push the activate button in order to hear them. We had a great time learning lots of new and interesting facts.

The Primary School have had a wonderful time celebrating different foods from around the world. We held two shared morning tea and lunch days promoting Global Foods, that is, foods from our country of identity. Year 5 worked hard during Global Perspectives lessons, conducting research and creating posters about their country. Then they presented their information to the rest of the school. Some children even came to school wearing a costume that is identifiable as something from their country. We all had a lovely time trying new and exciting foods. Lots of interesting questions were asked and lots of fun was had!!

As we come towards the final week of the term, I wish you and your families a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Sep 2, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Tuatara Class have been incredibly busy this term. Please see all of the fun things we have been learning below:
Here we are learning Origami in Art.

In Maths we have been learning about ratios. We explored this by mixing different ratios of paints. This was a very fun Maths lesson!

We also went on a fantastic school trip to Auckland Museum, where we listened to some Myths and Legends. A particular highlight, when exploring the Museum, was the earthquake room.

In Computer Science, we have been making lots of noise whilst learning to create our own music. Our finished products sounded great!!

We even had a lovely visit from some college students. This was a fabulous session, where the college students read their stories to us, and we shared our own publishing with them.

This term we also completed our school cross country. I was very impressed with all of our students!

A special congratulations goes to Amy, Konstantin and Aston, who represented Wentworth Primary School at Interschool cross country. Well done Amy for placing 8th in the year 5 girls races.

We really have been busy so far this term!!
Jun 20, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Wow, what a fun-packed few weeks we have had.
Thank you to those who were able to watch our fantastic Music Festival. The class had a wonderful time, and did incredibly well indeed.
This week we have been looking at road maps. We have been estimating and measuring length, using metre sticks and rulers. We have also been converting measurements. The class have really enjoyed working in pairs to complete their tasks.

Our Science topic is Evaporation and Condensation. The children have been investigating this, using ice and warm water. They made careful observations in their investigations.

Vector Visit
This week, we enjoyed learning all about how to stay safe around electricity.
Watt (the friendly robot on the screen below) demonstrated what not to do, and we discussed how we can stay safe. The children asked some interesting questions, and listened very carefully to important information regarding electricity. Each child was given a stay safe booklet, which includes a home safety inspection. Our visitor from vector was impressed with our fabulous knowledge and interest.

Jun 13, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Treasure Hunt
On Monday 10th June, the primary school enjoyed going to visit the ‘Treasure Hunt’ production at the college.

Music Festival
The class have been rehearsing their items for the upcoming music festival, and are excited to perform to you all soon. We look forward to seeing you there.
In Science, the children have been learning about light and dark and how our eyes work. We had a lot of fun looking at some optical illusions. We found this image particularly tricky. Can you see a young or old lady?

In English, we have been looking at and reading lots of different types of poems. The class then wrote their own poems, using a particular poem or poet as inspiration. They have produced some wonderful poems, which are currently on display in the classroom.
The term is passing us by quickly, but we still have some wonderful events to be involved in. Next week we look forward to performing in the music festival, and the Avengers themed school disco. Hope to see you there.
Jun 4, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Hello Tuatara class,
Just a little update as to some of the things we have been learning about over the past few weeks.
We had a fantastic time with year 3 and 4 when we went to Tiritiri Matangi. The weather was perfect! The class really enjoyed finding out lots of interesting facts about the wildlife on Tiritiri Matangi, and were able to spot and identify many birds on the island. Below are just a few snaps from the day:

In the classroom we have been learning how to be good storytellers. we have been using our expressive voices, eye contact and hand gestures to keep our listeners engaged and entertained.

We have also been designing our own cars, using purple mash. These fabulous designs can be seen in 3D and as a net too. The children really enjoyed creating these!

May 15, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
At the beginning of Term 2 the class completed their assessments. I was really impressed with how much of a positive attitude the children had towards these.
We are now back to lessons as usual, and the children have been learning lots of new and exciting things.
In English we have been exploring Myths and Legends. The class have read a variety of these and even acted some out. Here are some photos of groups of children adding more to the story of ‘The Sword in the Stone’.

In Maths we have been working on Number and Place Value. This term, we have been including decimal numbers. The children have fully embraced paired games and challenges.
We are starting Science this term with our topic ‘The way we see things’. We will be exploring light. So far, we have looked inside a box with various possible light sources inside, to identify which are light sources and how we know.
Year 5 are thoroughly enjoying their sessions with Gracie from Pform. Each week, they have been having drama sessions in the dance studio, with the year 4 children.

This term in Global Perspectives our topic is ‘How can we stay healthy?’
The class have discussed the things we may need to stay healthy and worked in collaboration to put these things in order from the most important to least important.

Next week, we look forward to visiting Tiritiri Matangi with years 3 and 4. I hope to share some photos from this trip in our next class blog.
Mar 21, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Wow, what a fantastic term we have had so far! As always, I am very impressed with the hard work, effort and dedication the year 5 children are putting in to all that they do.
In Maths we have been learning about reflections.

In Science, we have been continuing to look at ‘The life-cycle of a flowering plant’.

The class enjoying being bees and flowers, whilst investigating how pollination works.
We have been closely observing beans that we planted in various locations and are pleased to notice that two beans have begun to germinate.
Dad’s Day
I was so pleased to see so many adults at Dad’s day. The children thoroughly enjoyed you coming into the classroom to help them with their seed dispersal investigation. Some children decided to take extra helicopters home, to continue their investigations in different environments!

Golden child was also a great success, with the class showing their competitive and sporty side, whilst competing against the Dads.

Thank you so much to those who were able to find the time to attend Dad’s day. I am very glad that you were able to get a glimpse of what life is like in Tuatara class, and I’m sure you will all agree that we are very polite, caring, inquisitive and respectful learners. I am incredibly proud of each and every child and their wonderful positive attitudes towards school life and their learning.
Multicultural Expo
The primary school were invited to the college to participate in their multicultural expo. The children really enjoyed finding new facts about different countries and trying different foods.

Next week we will be attending camp. I am very excited to see the class embracing new activities and having opportunities to work in different teams.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any good news to share, or anything that you wish to discuss.
Feb 25, 2019 | Mātātā - Year 5 blog
Hello to all,
What a fantastic start we have had to year 5!
Firstly, I would like to say well done to all of the children for doing incredibly well in their assessments. Each child did their very best, and the results have informed our learning this year.
We have kick started Term 1 with lots of exciting learning:
In English we are reading Kensuke’s Kingdom – a wonderful adventure novel by Michael Morpurgo. We are already most of the way through the text, and at times finding it difficult to put down! It is wonderful to witness such engaged readers in action!

In Mathematics we have been looking at number and place value and have enjoyed working with a partner to play games and investigate with numbers.
In Science we are looking at flowering plants. In groups we have planted some fruit stones and are taking turns in watering them.
Missing Images
Last week we met Harold the Giraffe for some life education classes. Here we discussed what it means to be a good friend and what digital citizenship means. We also met Harold and enjoyed answering his questions, before having a little dance with him!
I am really pleased with how well the children have settled into life in a year 5 classroom. They are happy and really eager to learn. Keep up the good work! 🙂
It was lovely meeting you at our Meet the Teacher evening and for children to share their ILPs with you last week. As I mentioned to you all, please feel free to email me if you need to get in touch any time.