Aug 8, 2019 | 2021 Primary Classroom Blogs, Wētā - Year 4 blog
Museum Trip
We had a great time at the Auckland Museum in Week 2. Always new things to spot, and to learn about.
Jack enjoys the rebellious thrill of touching museum exhibits.
Ashlee contemplates her place in the food-chain

The buffet table at the museum.

Ciaran with something he purchased from the gift-shop

Like they’ve never seen water before
We’ve been continuing to explore the properties of magnets, and conducting experiments.

Jun 22, 2019 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
There have been a number of fun (but educational!) special events this term. Let’s review!
Tiritiri Matangi
What a great trip this was. It was fun and fascinating to see the native or introduced birds that New Zealand is lucky to have part of the family. Not to mention the physical benefits of a good stiff walk!

Treasure Hunt Show
This entertaining show was put on by Perform! Theatrical Group. The fun part was that it was interactive, with students either being part of the Treelanders side of the map, or the Seaview division (the moral had to do with taking care of our environment).

Vector Presentation: Staying Safe with Electricity
We had a visit from Vector Energy, which was very informative and well presented. The students learned a lot about how to stay safe with electricity inside or outside the home. We particularly enjoyed the animations where a clueless robot made all the wrong decisions and regularly burnt himself to a crisp : )

Music Festival
Lots of talent on display that night! We successfully pulled off our performance of “Splish Splash” and it was great to see many year 4’s represented in the solo performances.

Avengers of various assortments assembled for the Friday night disco!

Mar 18, 2019 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
What a great day Dad’s Day was last Friday. After the school shared some singing – and we sadistically enjoyed listening to the Dads try and get their mouths around some tongue twisters – we went back to our classes for special activities.
In our class, the Dads joined us for some “Minute-to-Win-It” challenges (cracker face, cup stacker, and chopstick challenge). The Dads helped train up the students in their group and provided encouragement when it was time for the competitive challenge. Following that, the best part: getting the Dads to give the challenges a try! Thanks for coming along Dads (and Dad equivalents!), and for giving us some laughs!

Speak up Dads!

Sophie’s dad may have sprained a facial muscle.

Doing her best Walking Dead impression

Dad and daughter trying to use the bridge of the nose as…well, a bridge.

Employing every facial muscle to full effect but facing the obstacle of cracker dust in your eye.

Demonstrating to the class his pyramid scheme and how you can start earning money from home.

Great chopstick skills, terrible meal

Good luck telling your chiropractor why you’ve made an appointment!

Barely suppressed competitiveness.

Smell the testosterone!
We’ve continued our focus on solids, liquids and gases.
We’ve been learning to make predictions, test those predictions, and discuss our results.

Feb 27, 2019 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Let me help you get a visual on class Kotare, 2019!

Surely there’s no better way to learn about measurement than to actually measure things!

We’ve been learning about states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). Here we are testing predictions we made about which solids would melt quickest in the sun.

Always popular, we had our annual visit from the Life Education van. Led by Chris, with the help of Harold the Giraffe, the students had some rich discussions around friendship.

Dec 2, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Hi Parents,
Well, just like that, the year is nearly at an end. It’s been a privilege teaching the students of class Korora, and I’m glad I’ll be seeing most of them around next year.
Here’s a couple of highlights from the last few weeks…
The students have produced some really nice pieces of work this term. There was landscapes in the first few weeks, and lately we’ve been drawing and painting still-lifes.

the colour of Sienna’s roof is, well, sienna of course!

Ethan’s philosophy of art is to curve the spine in harmony with the curves of his lines.

Tiger’s controversial technique is to drink the paint-water, so as to be at one with the art.
Class Plays

When you’re a woman of mature years, you need to use the jaw for extra grip.

Oscar is part of an expedition, along with his robot Thomas, to explore a planet inhabited by aliens (Claire and Jack)

Aston wishing he’d brought a gun to this fight.

Chelsea unfortunately underestimates the distance needed for a stage dive.
We had a great lesson, led by Jenna Gainford.

Thomas wonders why he’s heard adults swearing when playing golf…it’s not that hard?

Golf is a lot more motivating when aiming for human targets.
This term we’ve covered the physics of sound.

Daniel conducts his teams rendition of “it sort of sounds like a song”

Experimenting with glass and water out on the grass means that the crickets provide a backing choir

Luke uses a string telephone to share a piece of juicy gossip with Konstantin

While Claire is testing a paper banger, Chelsea perfects her runway pose.
In Week 5, we had our annual Athletics Day.

Ethan’s shadow has already cleared the jump, so you know he’s going to be fine.

Not casting spells, but practicing shotput.
Oral Language
There’s been lots of opportunities for strengthening oral language skills this term: persuasive speeches, news sharing, and sharing presentations for topic.

Harper shares a speech on Lego, ensuring that you’ll be pestered for expensive kits for Christmas.

Ollie sharing on the topic of skateboarding

Poppy using eye-contact to make sure that her audience are as riveted as she expects them to be.

Sienna shares some medals. Chelsea wants one
In Week 7 we had our sailing day with Volvo, Learn to Sail. We’re grateful to have gotten such good conditions in a week that wasn’t always pleasant!

Daniel and Tiger looking as smooth as the water.

Luke and Oscar find that sailing is pretty cruisy when you remove the ocean.

Jack looks for unchartered land

Daniel and Tiger see if they can get any fish nibbling on their scalp.

Claire shows no-hands. Poppy resists shaking the boat.

Ollie overboard!
Sep 14, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Hi parents,
Now that we’re nearly at the end of Term 3, let me share with you a few highlights:
We finished up our investigations of magnets, by making our own compasses from corks and needles. We can now attest that we’re going North when we exit through the classroom door!

Daniel now knows where North is, and is ready to go question Santa about a gift he never received.

These guys are giddy with excitement at their discoveries. Or corks in water looking like floating poops. Probably the latter.
Lately, we’ve been looking at the human skeleton. Below you’ll see photos of us comparing the measurements of our major bones.

“My vertebrae are more impressive than yours”

Dr Chen, prepares his patient for a lobotomy

Dylan, looking like he has all the makings of an excellent tailor.
Recently, we’ve had a focus on geometry: naming, drawing, and constructing three dimensional shapes.

Aston and Harper show that it’s not just girls that are known for their delicate craftsmanship.

Tiger juggles two cubes. Coming up: he swallows three tetrahedrons that are on fire.

Computational Thinking
The student’s have learnt a significant amount of computer skills this term, including how to use email, and how to use the Google suite (Google docs, Google Slides etc) to produce work.

Jack checks the status of his financial stocks, and decides whether to invest in bitcoin.
Persuasive Writing and Speeches
We’ve had a focus this term on learning the features of effective persuasive writing and speaking. We’ve recently been practicing our oral language skills by sharing a page from a novel. We’re now in the process of writing our own speeches.

Konstantin decides that having to hold the book is for sissies

Grandpa Rensen enthralls us all with tales from long ago.
We’ve added another illustrated narrative to our storybooks this term.

Dylan’s latest is a war between robots and humans.

Luke’s latest is the story of a war between flies and spiders.
War! – what is it good for? Stories, if nothing else.
In Art, we’ve had a focus on learning to draw and colour landscapes.

Poppy finishes giving her tree a “perm”.

Chelsea’s left hand takes a holiday, while her right hand is busy at work.
Production Rehearsal
As you would have heard, we have our major production coming up at the end of term. We’ve been busy learning and rehearsing all the songs and dances

At Wentworth we pride ourselves on students being able to know where their knees and ears are.
Aug 12, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Hi parents,
Here’s some highlights from the term thus far…
New Students
At the start of Term 3, we had two young men join us: Konstantin and Ollie. Three weeks in, they’re part of the team, and it’s easy to forget that they’re new.

Konstantin and Ollie. Both always early for school because they don’t have to
waste time styling their hair.
Early this term we finished our self portraits. They are hanging in the school hallway for you to check out, next time you are in.

Oscar in the early stages of a skin-graft

Daniel animated in more ways than one.
For topic, we’re taking a look at history. We’ll begin to focus on the 1920’s: the period of our upcoming school production.

Matching his place on the timeline, Tiger adopts the pose of a reclining Roman emperor
We’ve been focusing on the properties and behaviour of magnets.

Ollie finds his bones and sinews are no match for magnetic force.

Konstantin gets a trail of magnets going

Harper made this himself at home: a magnetic contraption that causes two coins to stand upright.

Oscar uses magnets to become a hipster. Now he just needs skinny jeans.
We’ve been learning to participate in “Literacy Circles”. The students are in groups of 5, with each group reading the same novel. They have different roles to fulfil, such as “Discussion Director”, “Passage Picker”, “Word Master” etc. Every 3 days they have a discussion day where they discuss and share what they have prepared.

Claire ponders the far-reaching implications of Poppy’s statement. Or, she just wishes it was
her turn. Can’t remember which.

The boys are turning pages. An important skill to master when you are reading.

Ethan seems to literally have his nose in a book.

Luke and Dylan with their best “show me how much you love learning” faces
Cross Country
On Friday 10th August, we had our annual cross country event. An all around good effort and attitude from the Year 4’s. No tears, just flushed faces!

The Sienna-strut

The Aston-Martin, firing on all cylinders

The Jack-Be-Nimble, Jack-Be-Quick
Jun 22, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
The last couple of weeks have seen us focusing on fractions. For instance, “which fractions are equivalent to three quarters?”, or “how many more thirds to make one whole?”

Ethan wonders why Maths worksheets always seem to include cartoon fish

Sienna wonders what fraction of $10 she is entitled to if she allows images of herself to be used on our Blog.
Wacky Wraps
Earlier in the term, we enjoyed making Beeswax wraps with Mrs McLeish. It was fascinating to watch the beeswax pellets melting in the oven and forming a protective layer around our cloths. It was also a great application of our learning in science around liquids and solids.

Beeswax wraps: the hottest trend in winter fashion.

Jack shows us all how it’s done. I bet he makes a great lasagna as well.
Music Festival
We had a great time performing our items for the Music Festival. The thrill of an evening performance was great for the kids, and there’s no question that we were justified in having our own performance, separate from the College.

The hardest thing about being a dog is the fleas you attract..

Despite being nocturnal, possums love the limelight.

Claire exaggerates the the size of the last fish she caught.
Stardome Visit
Our visit to the Stardome Observatory, stimulated a lot of good learning. In class, we followed up the visit by looking further into some of the questions that arose such as, “what causes the seasons?”, and “how many different sorts of constellations are there”?

Oscar is pointing to something, which means he must be learning.

The students worried at first that this was some sort of sneaky dental examination.

Chelsea is concerned that such a large web must be the work of a very large spider.
Breakers Basketball Sessions
Class Korora have very much enjoyed the basketball sessions we’ve had the last couple of weeks, led by Coach C. Before the sessions many of the students thought dribbling was something you only did with a mouthful of saliva, but are now much more adept at basketball skills.

Ethan is impressed with Couch C’s Black Swan impression.
May 18, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Here’s a couple of highlights from Term 2 so far…
In our first week back we continued to explore measurement and how it connects to decimal numbers.
Thomas measures the width of his belly button?
Harper and Tiger try to wrangle an unruly tape measure
Oscar realises that letting go of the tape measure measures gravity, not height.
For science, we’ve been looking at states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). In Week 3, we looked at how chocolate can melt when it’s sitting on a plate placed on top of a bowl of heated water.
In groups, the students planned and conducted an experiment in which they changed one factor e.g. “will the chocolate melt faster if it’s cut into smaller pieces?”

Luke and Daniel exploring how different liquids melt at different rates
Ethan, Sienna and Luke wishing the experiment was “how much chocolate can I fit in my mouth?”
Ethan wishing the experiment was “how many marbles can I fit in my mouth?”
Poppy worries about the experiment’s effect on her last manicure.
For the last three weeks we’ve exploring the conventions of effective storybooks, and using what we’ve learned to plan our own.
It’s required our full creative powers to come up with good ideas that are original and entertaining. The students have been sharing their ideas with the class, getting feedback, and improving their ideas where necessary.
Most of us are now at the stage where we are ready to start the first draft of our story.
Aston ponders the metaphysical themes in the great literary piece: “I Want My Potty”.
On Friday of Week 3, we had our annual Grandparents Day. We performed some songs and dances as a whole school and then went back to our class for some learning about the past. The year 4’s asked the grandparents about what school was like in their day. Using that information we compared and contrasted using Venn diagrams.
May 18, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Hi parents,
Here’s a couple of highlights from Term 2 so far…
In our first week back we continued to explore measurement and how it connects to decimal numbers

Thomas measures the width of his belly button?

Harper and Tiger try to wrangle an unruly tape measure

Oscar realises that letting go of the tape measure measures gravity, not height.
For science, we’ve been looking at states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). In Week 3, we looked at how chocolate can melt when it’s sitting on a plate placed on top of a bowl of heated water.
In groups, the students planned and conducted an experiment in which they changed one factor e.g. “will the chocolate melt faster if it’s cut into smaller pieces?”

Luke and Daniel exploring how different liquids melt at different rates

Ethan, Sienna and Luke wishing the experiment was “how much chocolate can I fit in my mouth?”

Ethan wishing the experiment was “how many marbles can I fit in my mouth?”

Poppy worries about the experiment’s effect on her last pedicure.
For the last three weeks we’ve exploring the conventions of effective storybooks, and using what we’ve learned to plan our own.
It’s required our full creative powers to come up with good ideas that are original and entertaining. The students have been sharing their ideas with the class, getting feedback, and improving their ideas where necessary.
Most of us are now at the stage where we are ready to start the first draft of our story.

Aston ponders the metaphysical themes in the great literary piece: “I Want My Potty”
Grandparents Day
On Friday of Week 3, we had our annual Grandparents Day. We performed some songs and dances as a whole school and then went back to our class for some learning about the past. The year 4’s asked the grandparents about what school was like in their day. Using that information we compared and contrasted using Venn diagrams.
Amongst other things, the students were fascinated to learn that left-handed students were punished if they didn’t use the “correct” hand!

Apr 20, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
I thought I’d take a moment to share with you some of the special events we had in Term 1.
In early March we had a representative of the ASB Get Wise programme, Jadyn, take the years 3 and 4’s for a session.
The objective of the session was to improve the student’s financial understanding i.e. how money works, real money vs digital funds etc.
It was an upbeat, engaging lesson that the students learned a lot from. I wouldn’t trust them with your credit cards just yet though… ; )

On March 15th, Wentworth Primary visited the Reptile Park at Ti Point, Leigh.
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
On March 23rd we had our Teddy Bear’s Picnic. It was great to see the splashes of colour and the variety of stuffed toys. I didn’t bring my teddy bear to school because he suffers from social anxiety ; )
The major event of this Term! It may have been at the regional park, but it was certainly no walk in the park: running, sliding, swimming, diving, shooting, flaming, climbing, kicking…all the intense verbs!
Mar 15, 2018 | Wētā - Year 4 blog
Welcome to Class Korora’s (Year 4’s) blog, and it’s first post. Let’s all ignore the fact that it’s 7 weeks into Term 1. Mercy for the new guy, and all that!
I’m pleased to share with you some of the things that we’ve been doing…
We’ve been looking at Aesop’s fables. Pulling them apart to learn their narrative structure as well as how different language features are used to make the stories more engaging.

Any language features we learn in reading we try to immediately use in our writing. One thing we are clear on now is that our narratives need to have a good problem and resolution. To add interest, we are learning to add description using adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.
After a fantastic introduction from our Life Education lessons, we’ve been continuing to learn about the digestive system.
In pairs we are studying a different part of the digestive system and will soon be presenting back to the class.

The students are enjoying their lessons with Mrs Sancto. They particularly like an outdoor game named Coco, which uses strategy.
The students are enjoying their lessons with Mrs Poppe. They have been listening to pieces of music from The Carnival of the Animals.

We have been using song-writing to strengthen our understanding of phonics and how words can rhyme together based on common vowel sounds.
We are pleased with the two songs we have written together as a class so far: “I Can’t Stand the Heat” and “Dylan and the Possum” (based on Dylan’s unusual experience, waking up next to a possum in his bed!).
You can hear us singing “Dylan and the Possum” below:
Recently we completed some coloured-paper art. This was an application of the drawing skills we have been working on. You can see them hanging in the hallway outside our classrooms.

We’ve been looking at the Commonwealth Games. As part of that, we are looking closer at the globe and how the countries are arranged in continents.