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Intensive Swimming Lessons


Intensive Swimming Lessons

Well, the first week of our intensive Swim School lessons have gone…swimmingly! Everyone has learnt a lot and had a lot of fun while doing it! It has been great to see the Ruru Class continue their fabulous “give it a go” attitude. Although it has...

The Best Mathematicians in the World!

The Ruru Class have been trying SUPER HARD in Maths time! I have been absolutely amazed at how fast and brilliant their minds are! They are learning to add REALLY big numbers and are sometimes faster than I am! They are very proud of themselves…just look at...

Dad’s Day

Last Friday we celebrated some of the fantastic people we have in our lives. It was really great to see the dads, grandads, and family members here to see what we do at school and to join in the fun. Thank you to all our visitors, we had a fantastic day and we hope...


Our Science topic this term is Light and Dark and we have been looking at what causes Shadows. We have already learned that a shadow is made when something blocks the light. We had fun drawing around toy animals… …and seeing the best way to make them stand...

Welcome to the Ruru Class Blog for 2019!

Hello, thanks for visiting our 2019 class blog! We have voted to be the Year Two Ruru Class this year. The New Zealand Ruru, or Morepork are named for their distinctive call. In Maori legend Ruru are known as watchful guardians of the forest. Ruru/Morepork birds are...


We are learning how to measure things using a ruler. Can you see all the classroom items we have been measuring??

Data Handling

We have had a very busy start to Term 3! In Maths, we have been learning about Data Handling. Here are some photos of us collecting data, sorting it, and displaying our findings in a way that is easy for other people to understand.

Pumpkin Soup Weather!

During Week 5, we read a book about growing pumpkins and then we decided to make some pumpkin soup to eat at lunchtime. We cut the pumpkin up, Mrs Clark took it home and roasted it… then we put the soup all together in a slow cooker the next morning and cooked...

$$$$$ Money on your mind?? $$$$$$

Well, what a busy few weeks it has been in the Kea Class! We have been learning about money. We can tell you all about the different notes and coins we use in New Zealand and we can count money! We have been learning about the different combinations of coins we can...

Making Shadows

What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? The elephant’s shadow! As part of our Science this term we have been learning about light and dark and what makes shadows. On a recent sunny day, we went outside and figured out how to make the biggest shadow we...

Ti Point Reptile Park

The whole school had a brilliant outing recently when we all visited Ti Point Reptile Park. The sun was shining which encouraged all the reptiles to put themselves on display as they basked in the warmth. We were lucky enough to pat a tortoise, get up close with...

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independent schools of new zealand
Cambridge International Education