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Term 3: Weeks 4 – 6


Term 3: Weeks 4 – 6

Hi parents, Here’s some photos from some of the special events we’ve had over the last couple of weeks. Enjoy. Maths Day   Daffodil Day   Cross Country          ...

Term 3: Weeks 1 – 3

Museum Trip We had a great time at the Auckland Museum in Week 2. Always new things to spot, and to learn about. Jack enjoys the rebellious thrill of touching museum exhibits. Ashlee contemplates her place in the food-chain Science We’ve been continuing to...

Term 2: Special Events!

There have been a number of fun (but educational!) special events this term.  Let’s review! Tiritiri Matangi What a great trip this was. It was fun and fascinating to see the native or introduced birds that New Zealand is lucky to have part of the family. Not to...

Term 1, 2019: Weeks 5 – 7

DAD’S DAY What a great day Dad’s Day was last Friday. After the school shared some singing – and we sadistically enjoyed listening to the Dads try and get their mouths around some tongue twisters – we went back to our classes for special...

Term 1, 2019, Weeks 1 – 4

HI PARENTS, Let me help you get a visual on class Kotare, 2019!   MATHS Surely there’s no better way to learn about measurement than to actually measure things! SCIENCE We’ve been learning about states of matter (solids, liquids and gases). Here we...

Term 4 Highlights

Hi Parents, Well, just like that, the year is nearly at an end. It’s been a privilege teaching the students of class Korora, and I’m glad I’ll be seeing most of them around next year. Here’s a couple of highlights from the last few weeks…...

Term 3, Weeks 4 – 7 Highlights.

Hi parents, Now that we’re nearly at the end of Term 3, let me share with you a few highlights: Science We finished up our investigations of magnets, by making our own compasses from corks and needles. We can now attest that we’re going North when we exit...

Term 3, Weeks 1 – 3 Highlights

Hi parents, Here’s some highlights from the term thus far… New Students At the start of Term 3, we had two young men join us: Konstantin and Ollie. Three weeks in, they’re part of the team, and it’s easy to forget that they’re new.  ...

Term 2: Weeks 4 – 7 Highlights

Maths The last couple of weeks have seen us focusing on fractions. For instance, “which fractions are equivalent to three quarters?”, or “how many more thirds to make one whole?”     Wacky Wraps Earlier in the term, we enjoyed making...

Term 2, Weeks 1-3 Highlights

Hi parents, Here’s a couple of highlights from Term 2 so far… Maths In our first week back we continued to explore measurement and how it connects to decimal numbers. Thomas measures the width of his belly button? Harper and Tiger try to wrangle an unruly...

Term 2, Weeks 1 – 3 Highlights

Hi parents, Here’s a couple of highlights from Term 2 so far… Maths In our first week back we continued to explore measurement and how it connects to decimal numbers       Science For science, we’ve been looking at states of matter...

Special Events in Term 1

Hi parents,   I thought I’d take a moment to share with you some of the special events we had in Term 1.   ASB Get Wise Session   In early March we had a representative of the ASB Get Wise programme, Jadyn, take the years 3 and 4’s for a...

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